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How food photography helps you get more clients

New restaurants and cafes are popping up almost daily, increasing competition. To stand out and draw in new customers, simply listing dish names on your website or menu isn't enough. You need enticing photos to truly capture their appeal.
It is the photograph that determines whether the client will want to try the dish or not, as they convey the specific mood and influence the emotions. Therefore, it is crucial for most people to see photos in the menu to make it easier for them to make a choice.
This is explained by the fact that 82% of people can buy a meal only because it looks beautiful on the picture, even if they didn’t want it. Therefore, to stand out and build trust in the quality of their products, business owners hire a professional food photographer.
As a result, they notice more customer engagement on their websites and blogs as well as increased shares/ comments across their social media platforms.
Every marketing professional admits that if you use social media to promote your food business, you must tell your story visually. Content with images gets 94% more views than content without any pictures to illustrate the idea or, in our case, a dish.
Think about how many possibilities there are for improving the look of your website, social media pages or interior of your establishment.
Researchers found that colored visuals increase people’s willingness to read an article, description or a promotional copy by 80%. So when you announce a new menu item, your clients are more likely to learn how your chef prepares it if you add a captivating image to the text. Images help generate far more interest and engagement than text on its own.

Should you hire a professional photographer?

It may seem to many that to photograph a plate of pasta or dessert is not so difficult, and you can do it yourself.
Professional photos are significantly different from what you do yourself: your phone camera or amateur camera won't help you achieve high-quality images. Not only knowledge about the shooting is important, but also professional photographic equipment. You need special lighting, quality lens, skills to work with them and, of course, artistic taste.
It is especially important if you are planning to use the photos not only for menu and social media. If you want to get a photo for a banner or billboard, then you will need a full frame camera with a high resolution, as well as a good lens that gives a sharp picture.
The employee of the restaurant can also do the shooting, but usually, after the first experience, most turn to professionals.

Advantages of a Food Photographer

Professional food photographer knows the nuances of working with products that most people have no idea about. These little secrets help him create appetizing images that convey the beauty of the food. Professional food photographer easily finds the most favorable angle, lighting, and skillfully balances elements in the frame.
It is also vital to know how to capture fleeting moments. Some dishes need to be photographed quickly, as they "live" only a few seconds/minutes; for example, cappuccino very quickly loses its original appearance: bubbles appear on the skin.
A food photographer pays great attention to detail, knows where to put something away or add, turn it over. These are minor changes, but they significantly affect the aesthetic of the photo. Also, a person who has never dealt with food photography will have a hard time to compose elements and create the right atmosphere.
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