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A family portrait is more than just a picture. It is precious because it helps transfer memories between generations. Some use family photos to decorate the interior and create comfort at home, while others prefer to store family photos in the photo album. In any case, revising family albums is a very touching activity.
How to make this album more engaging and interesting? There are many creative family portrait ideas you can incorporate into your photo shoots to make your photos unique and memorable.

Nine family portrait ideas

Many people feel uncertain when considering a family photo session. Many questions start to arise. How should we pose? Where to find a good location? So I collected a small list of family portrait ideas that you can use to create beautiful images:
  • To express the idea of unity, stay close, embrace, look at each other with affection. Parents can kiss their child on both cheeks.
  • Use different levels while standing or sitting, e.g. with the help of stairs, chairs or a back of the sofa. The tallest members of the family should stand farther from the camera in a half-turn while the little ones can rest on one of the parent's lap. It is a good option for large families to stand in line from the smallest to the tallest member, which will look impressive. You can also play with perspective - make the shortest ones stand closer to the camera to make them appear bigger.
  • Bring some movement to the set. If there is a small child in the family, play with the kid, lightly toss him/her in the air, run in circles, and you will get fun, jolly, and cheerful photos of the kid with a happy smile.
  • If your kids are very energetic, come up with the idea of a photoshoot in advance, where children will be engaged in different activities and play along with them. You can dress up the kids in thematic costumes, or they can wear funny accessories which are obviously too big for them.
  • After the active part of the photoshoot, it would be nice to rest - to lie on the floor, on the lawn, on the autumn leaves or directly on the snow in a line or a circle. The farther can raise his daughter or son up in the air lying on his back.
  • Nothing unites and liberates people like eating together. Chocolate or ice cream is a great way to calm children or a disgruntled husband. Remember to bring wet wipes and napkins to wipe your hands.
  • Use unusual props: frames, mirrors and natural reflections as in a river or pond. Make use of the famous, powerful trick "picture in picture."
  • Each family member can hold a large letter made of paper or other material, or carved out of wood, so that it makes up a word, e.g. FUN, LOVE, HAPPY, FAMILY.
  • Dedicate the photo session to a common pastime. If you all love to ride bicycles, run kites, play board games or something like that, then such an event is an excellent occasion to invite a photographer to spend some time with you. You can bring balloons, soap bubbles and other simple things that create a festive atmosphere for a family photo shoot in the photo studio or on location. Have a picnic in a forest or a park. Fruit baskets, a warm blanket and a mug of steaming hot tea are additional original props. This is a family portrait idea that will make you stand out from the crowd because it reflects the individuality of your family.
I hope some of these family portrait ideas will inspire you to make new wonderful photos.